The Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour & Market returns on Saturday, June 14, 2025!
The Secret Gardens of Lake Forest Park Garden Tour & Market is an opportunity to peek behind the gates of some of the best gardens in the North end. Every year garden scouts look for gardens to delight visitors. Again, this year the gardens are amazing. Local gardeners and designers are had at work making the gardens even more spectacular. You will see how garden owners manage slopes, feature local artists in their gardens highlighting whimsey with function. Explore the use of hardscape to bring out the gardens in interesting and thoughtful ways.
Purchase your ticket in advance for $20 or at the door for $25. (No refunds.)
Visit the ticket table at LFP Town Center on tour day to exchange your advance ticket for a map to the gardens.
The Awesome Gardens
The self-guided tour will take you to six gardens all in Lake Forest Park.
Each garden will host musicians, artists, and master gardeners to enhance your visit.
The Plant and Garden Art Sale
The lower level of the Town Center will be transformed into a plant and garden art market. Local nurseries will be selling flowers, shrubs, and greenery that will thrive in our gardens.
Garden artists will have their art available for sale, too. Whimsical birdhouses, mosaic artwork, garden pottery, mason bees, and more, all designed to make your garden more beautiful while harmonizing with your natural garden environment, will be available for purchase.